Non-Smoking for Life!
Stop smoking now with hypnosis & behavior Mod.
Stop smoking now and forever.
Isn’t enough, enough? It doesn’t matter what you have tried and failed at before. Today is a new day and the day that can make a difference. If you decide that the damage to your lungs, or the expense, or how you feel when your kids see you smoke, or being sent outside to smoke, or having burns on your clothes, or yellow fingers and stained teeth is enough, then you are ready to become a non-smoker. Stop smoking now and forever with this effective Non-Smoking for Life! program. You can cold turkey or gradually desensitize yourself away from smoking. You and I have seen people do it both ways. If you are ready, the method is a secondary support. All things being equal, I suggest a two to three-week process, since it takes usually two to three weeks to establish a new and permanently set habit.
Through the behavior modification techniques on the Track 1 of this Non-Smoking for Life! program, you gradually desensitize your self away from your usual smoking patterns with behavior modification techniques that work. Track 2 is a powerful hypnosis session that will give you the self image of a nonsmoker and compel you to make the better choice. Hypnosis has been a powerful and effective tool for just this habit for decades. Success rates for those sick and tired of being sick and tired of smoking are over 80%. Hypnosis takes much of the stress away from the smoking issue and creates new neural pathways, thereby retraining the brain’s pleasure centers and replacing old patterns with new. This is the process called neuroplasticity.
Are you are ready? This is a very comfortable system that thousands have already successfully used. The risk is small, the payoff can be huge! How does the idea of being an ex-smoker sound to you? Be one, now!