Easily Shift from Can’t to Can
Who comes to mind when I suggest, ‘Think of the most negative person you know?’ Who came quickly? Maybe it’s even you. Most negative people don’t consider themselves to be negative. They’ll say they’re “realistic.” And what they share is what doesn’t work, which restaurants aren’t good, why they can’t, what they don’t like, and why you shouldn’t…Read on for real specific ideas to easily shift can’t to can.
Our brains are naturally hardwired for the negative. To survive, early man needed to be en-garde, wary of surroundings, attuned to potential disaster in order to select fight or flight in a heartbeat. So early
awareness of impending problems gave man power to choose a direction instead of simply being overrun.

Today this primal tendency to focus on the negative no longer serves us in the same way. Many still focus on that first negative they see, as if it were their only option. They lazily accept the first hazard sign as a red light.
Contrary to this, champions see the same sign as yellow, the gift of a caution, which encourages, “Slow. Explore options. Choose your best one.” They think, “It’s great that I saw that possibility. What else is there? Which likely has my best benefit?”
Consider: If you have 12 good, 6 neutral and 1 really, lousy experience in your day, which of these will you replay most, and which accompanies you as you go to sleep?
When you sleep and dream, your brain will echo that last thought. When negative and stressful neural pathways are reinforced, negative attitudes are bolstered, and negative choices follow. We, like athletes practicing, get better at those things we repeat. We become what we think. We act on those reinforced behaviors. Here’s How To Create and Replay yourself with intention for your success.
Change can be simple with desire and practice.
6 FIXES that will easily shift can’t to can
1) Take moments throughout the day to note what draws your attention.
Ask yourself “How does it make me feel? Does it inspire or serve me? Is it worth my time? Does this stop me, or encourage me to what I CAN Do?”
If it’s encouraging: celebrate your awareness and continue.
If it’s a barricade: celebrate your awareness of the barricade, stop a second to consciously change to what you want instead.
2) To establish and/or reinforce what you want.
Slowing yourself to be “mindful,” in short doses, reinforces short and long term memory. It creates peace and appreciation. It acts as a stress reliever. Our best decisions and best performance usually occur when we are relaxed and focused.
Focus your senses for 20-30 seconds on a photo, a flower, a classic car, a great taste, an interesting smell, the feel of quality fabric, etc. Then spend a few seconds imagining how you would be doing your next task at peak performance.
3) Use patterned induction to sleep. Don’t just go to sleep. Take the time to use a sleep process or ritual, like a hypnosis induction.
Train your mind to respond with consistency to suggestions you enjoy for falling asleep. These could be focusing on your slow breathing, imagining a perfect place and exploring it with all your senses, or listening to an audio or sound. This will insure a better sleep cycle. Another benefit is that the endocrine system, which flushes toxins, works when you’re asleep. The better you sleep, the better it functions. Choose and act for health.
4) Use Imagery or visualization. After you’ve set yourself up for sleep, picture or imagine your health perfect. See yourself taking the positive steps to improving health. See perfect relationships in your business and family that will set automatic, positive actions in motion. In Rapid Eye Motion or “REM” sleep, these positive words, pictures and feelings replay themselves to impact surrounding brain cells and form strong, neural pathways. This allows Mindsets to shift easily.
5) Before important activities, Take deep breaths slowly through your nose to initiate a vibration in the back of your breathing passageway where it stimulates the skull. On the other side of that portion of skull is your neo-cortex which performs critical-thinking processes. Creating activity in those brain cells will improve performance. Using this prior to sales presentations, golfing, sex, test taking, studying can only serve to relax and focus your intention. Where could you use a boost? Start now.
6) Throughout the day Act ‘As If’ you were already doing things the way you want, making choices the way you ideally want, and succeeding the way you want. Instead of waiting to see the change you envision, be that change. The power of intention is real.
Lifestyle changes can happen to those kickin’ and screamin’ in the School of Hard Knocks, or more easily by making comfortable adjustments in mindset. Which would you prefer for your kids? Which do you prefer for yourself?
Check out the options below to accelerate your ease…
A thought for the last quarter of 2019
The last quarter of the year is filled with parties, family, holidays, vacations and cheer. For most it’s a business slowdown that creates a psychological as well as financial stutter that often lasts until February.
For top producers with whom I’ve worked over the past 40+ years, it’s a time to create relationships, a better business plan, close more business than any other time of year, AND create momentum for the New Year.
During this last quarter, while others are tuning out and slowing, choose to be more dynamic, more open and available to creating what you DO want. It’s an optimal time for learning and implementing.
1) A Personalized Hypnosis Session will reinforce your goals and habits and insure the focus necessary to achieve and live at your very best.
2) Coaching is the fast track. Top producers in business, sports and scholastics all have coaches to ask the question that’s not obvious, to be an objective sounding board for ideas, to brainstorm new strategies moving forward and for accountability.