Mind Hacks straight out of neuroscience that will make you sharper and more joyous every day.
Neuroscience, for decades, has been discovering and sharing lifestyle hacks, proven to make positive differences in health, relationships and business. Some of these ideas are simple and obvious. Some of them are more subtle and thought provoking. But almost all are about the neuroplasticity (developing new brain cells and increasing their ability to function) of living a better, more mentally capable life.
Here’s a List of 27 Mind Hacks.
Any one idea could make a positive difference for you and yours. Read the list in the NOW. Be present, aware of each concept. When you come across a smart idea that makes you smile or chuckle or raise an eyebrow, write it down and do it for a month to create the habit.
1) Learn to control stress. Stress decreases Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor. BDNF is a molecule involved in nerve cell development. Stress isn’t what’s happening, but, rather, how you choose to perceive it. Take a breath and choose a more grown up approach. Changing your responses will change your brain chemistry, for the better.