How to Sleep Well

How to Sleep Well

How do you fall asleep and stay asleep at night? Do you wake up groggy in the morning? Would you like to learn how to sleep well?
Over the years I have helped hundreds of thousands of people with sleep issues. Through seminars and social media the largest common issue of my audiences and students is poor sleep patterns. Most shrug their sleep problems off, but, without resolution, poor sleep infiltrates all of the decisions we make and how we view the world. How to sleep well, matters.
Sleepless nights are now common in over 60% of our population. Whether you have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up with energy, welcome to a growing club in which no-one wants membership.
One of the leading reasons for fatigue, poor learning, negative and hostile attitudes, weight gain, lack of focus, stress, diabetes, heart disease, failing memory and Alzheimer’s disease is poor sleep patterns. Specifically not enough REM sleep in which endorphins restore the body and neurotransmitters (brain hormones) put things into mental and psychological order. An analogy is that schoolagers pick up information in school classes but really reinforce and learn that information by doing homework and reviewing. Similarly, we get exposed to lots of information during our waking hours, but our homework occurs in the REM portion of our sleep cycles, organizing, and making sense of the input.
Big Pharma has its answer about how to sleep well and sells it through doctors as the quick easy fix. Well, before you get near that “slippery slope” and find yourself upping dosages, growing hair in places there shouldn’t be hair, or going through raging personality changes and depressions, at least try a positive, free, natural solution…my FREE YOU TUBE SLEEP VIDEO. Read the hundreds of replies from those who felt helpless but got sleep relief easily through this positive and effective session.
When changing any equation, whether in chemistry, math, cooking or in LIFE, if you want a different output you need a different input. Instead of falling asleep watching TV, reading, doing a project etc., listen to the free session. The short instruction on the video will set you up to succeed. Listen every night for 2-3 weeks or as consistently as you can and let go of any initial pre-judgments.
Your back-story as to how long and why you don’t sleep well may be interesting to a therapist, but if you want to move on, forget about the baggage (i.e. reasons, excuses) and get on with what will make a positive difference. So you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Here’s a list of 10 supportive ideas, re: How to Sleep Well

  1.  Stop eating and drinking 2 hours before going to bed.
  2.  Do your weight training or aerobic exercising earlier in the day (hours away from sleep time). This keeps your metabolism lower and your body core temperature cooler, making it easier to fall asleep.
  3. Ixnay on the wine, over the counter meds, etc. They will knock you out but won’t create entrance to or create healthy sleep cycles.
  4. Close computers and quit the cell phone at least 1/2 hour before sleep. Studies have shown that lights put out by electronic devices give signals to your brain to trigger erratic sleep cycles.
  5.  Choose a cooler, rather than warmer, room temperature. 
  6.  Write out a thorough To-Do list and prioritize your next days’ tasks (do it just before lights out). The portion of your brain that works overtime worrying about forgetting to do tasks the next day can release and relax. 
  7.  Break the existing pattern of non-sleep by rearranging your pre-bed time activities. (if you read–don’t) (TV–don’t) ( sex–you’re on your own).
  8. Go to sleep at the same time. Your mind/body likes consistency.
  9. Don’t try to sleep. Just let yourself relax.
    10.Click here for your FREE You Tube Sleep Video.
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