Sleep Well in the time of COVID-19

If you’re not sleeping well these days, you’re not alone. 77% of Americans are sleep impaired now.

But you can sleep well in the time of COVID-19

Many often find it hard to fall asleep when times are normal. Add a viral pandemic to the mix and millions of Americans find themselves awake or fitful when restorative sweet sleep is what’s desperately needed. Worry, anxiety, and fear of an unclear future are roadblocks to quality rest. Learning to sleep well in the time of covid-19 is crucial for physical and emotional health sanity.
New research surveyed more than 1000 Americans‘ sleep habits in the wake of COVID-19. A whopping 76.8% of adults acknowledge their sleep has been negatively affected.
It isn’t hard to figure out why so many people’s sleep patterns have changed recently. Just about everyone’s life has been affected by COVID-19 as we share a new, far-from normal. 
Solutions, like people, vary. What’s important is that solutions do exist. To alleviate some worry and insomnia, 46% said that avoiding the news has helped them sleep better. Some 40% read before bed for better shuteye. 27% admitted to using sleep supplements. 21% practice meditation or yoga, and 16% say sex paves the path to restful sleep. 
The most commonly mentioned causes for the COVID-19 anxiety and sleep deprivation were worrying about the safety of loved ones, followed by loneliness, and a generally inconsistent sleep schedule. 
So BEFORE you turn to our SLEEP SESSION below, if you can relate to these causes
 1. Quick write 3 things you can do to Act. Even a poor plan of action, begins to diminish worry.
 2. Commit to reaching out to others.. not only the A-list. Call the B-list. A short call with a voice that has value in your life will be enriching. Joy comes in surprise packages. 
  3. Create and commit to a specific bedtime which ideally includes “ritual” or pattern. It can be as easy as getting out of “that” t-shirt, a specific personal care routine, bathing, reading, yoga or music. 
  4. Now, add a rich soothing and effective hypnosis session.

One of the leading reasons for fatigue, poor learning, negative and hostile attitudes, weight gain, lack of focus, stress, diabetes, heart disease, failing memory, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is poor sleep patterns. 
REM or dream sleep activates endorphins and our body’s cleansing and restoration. It facilitates learning and memory. It’s the door to putting life into mental and psychological order. Hypnosis is the key to this door. 
Students gather information in school and reinforce the learning by doing review and homework. Similarly, we collect information during our waking hours. We then organize this input for higher understanding in the REM portion of our sleep cycles. REM Dreamtime is our homework. We need enough REM and deep cycles, even if we don’t recall our dreams, to refresh. 
Hypnosis is a master key, especially before sleep. 
Before you get near the “slippery slope” of Big Pharma meds and find yourself upping dosages, growing hair in places there shouldn’t be hair, or going through raging personality changes or depressions, at least try a positive, free, natural solution… Here’s my 


Read the hundreds of replies from those who felt helpless, used my video, and reported easy sleep relief through this positive and effective session.
When changing any equation in life, if you want a different output you need a different input. 
Instead of falling asleep with technology whether TV, texting or email, listen to the free session
The short instruction on the video will set you up to succeed. 
Listen as consistently as you can, ideally NIGHTLY, for 2-3 weeks. 
Let go of any initial pre-judgments. Most people develop a natural, organic and healthful sleep cycle in 1-3 weeks.
Your back-story as to how long and why you don’t sleep well may be interesting to a therapist, but if you want to move on, forget the baggage, reasons and excuses of that limiting story. Get on with what will make a positive difference. 
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Here’s a list of 10 supportive sleep behavior modifying ideas

1.      Stop eating and drinking 2 hours before going to bed.
2.      Do your weight training or aerobic exercising earlier in your waking hours. This keeps your metabolism lower and your body core temperature cooler, making it easier to fall asleep.
3.      Ixnay on the alcohol and over the counter meds. They will knock you out, but won’t create entrance to healthy sleep cycles.
4.      Close computers and quit the cell phone at least 1/2 hour before sleep. Studies have shown that light emanating from electronic devices gives signals to your brain which trigger erratic sleep cycles.
5.      Choose a cooler, rather than warmer, room temperature.
6.      Write out a thorough To-Do list and prioritize your next days’ tasks just before lights out. The portion of your brain that works overtime worrying about forgetting to-do tasks can release and relax.
7.      Break the existing pattern of non-sleep by arranging your pre-bed time activities as recommended above. 
8.      Go to sleep and wake up at approximately the same time. Your mind/body likes consistency.
9.      Don’t “try” to sleep. Just focus on the session to let yourself relax.
10.  Click here for your FREE You Tube Sleep Video.

Sleep well in the time of covid-19 and in whatever the new normal will be.  Stay safe, healthy and thrive. 

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