


Score a long word like resolutions in Scrabble that falls on a triple word score and you will get loads of points. The word resolutions can be a good thing.
Bring up that same word in conversation at the beginning of the year and you will usually create facial grimaces and looks of horror or comical reactions, designed to lighten the moment and reduce stress. Been there?  best photo
Why not make 2020 the best year yet by setting and achieving those resolutions? The variables that matter most are not about what the economy is doing. It’s not about how poorly you might have done in the past, the energy drainers around you or most any other reason you can think of to justify not hitting worthwhile expectations.  
What matters is where you’re going, not where you’ve been. Learn from the past, plan for the future and live in the present. Easy to say? Then, here are some ideas.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

1  Set goals in business, physical, emotional, educational, family, social and spiritual areas.  Balance. Goals don’t need to be humongous. But for most, set them just out of reach but still within sight. This will cause you to stretch, learn and grow. When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.

Set long-term (more than 1 year) goals to create perspective and vision. Establish short-term goals (1 year or less) for greater clarity. Set daily goals to create consistency, focus and time management. Think setting goals is a pain in the neck and a waste of time? The 20% of the 80/20 Concept are living proof it’s not. Don’t be lazy. Do the preparation work.
2   Break your short-term goals down. The overriding concept of what the short-term goal is, is important and so is the plan of 
How It’s Going to Happen. The process of chunking down and blocking specific times of day and hours for each task is the closest you’ll come to guaranteeing completion without going crazy. Winging it and multi tasking are proven no,no’s.
3  Surround yourself with people going in your direction, preferably those already ahead of you, success wise. Match or exceed their mindset, pace and consistency. Ask questions and get the right fitness trainer, the right company, tech support people, nutritionist, coach, mastermind or Toastmasters group, etc., for you. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
Cut your association down or completely out with those time and energy wasters in your life. You already know who they are.

4   Do the work and let go of the drama

Stay focused on what you DO want, not what you don’t. Show up, pay attention and be in the moment by doing something positive that supports and moves you and others forward. 
Whenever you get stuck or over-stressed, take a few deep breaths in through your nose, then ask yourself what the next best decision is that will move you forward and then do it. 
5   Perfect mental practice makes perfect real world performance. Brain cells are sensitive to what we choose to say, see and feel, to and about ourselves. Most neuroscientists suggest self-hypnosis sessions. Thoughts are things and re-wiring your brain for success is a simple process. Like most truths, however, consistency is key. Guided imagery in a relaxed state brings blood flow to learning centers of the brain birthing more brain cells and their effectiveness to communicate with each other (neuroplacticity), creating new/better attitudes and habits.
Thanks for reading and please do pass this along!
If there are topics written above you’d like to discuss in detail, please call or email.
Achieved Resolutions Rule!
Wishing you and yours the happiest, healthiest, most 
prosperous year
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