Positivity produces success in life as much as it reflects success in life. Whether it’s a satisfying marriage, better health, improved grades or job advancement.
Openness Step back from expectations and judgments. Be aware of the world around you and be more accepting of whatever happens, good or bad. Just being open increases positivity. When we stay open, we find more solutions to problems and get more positive. Foster High Quality Connections Good relationships are the world’s best shock absorbers.
Respectful Engagement Be present, attentive, and affirming.
Be supportive: Proactively try to help others succeed.Trust: Demonstrate that you feel you can rely on these people.
Play Have fun together. Reach out.
Cultivate Kindness Do more stuff for others. Things that really make a difference in their life. Not things that are necessarily easy for you, but activities that they feel genuinely benefit them. Spend more time with others and do things for them. When we do good, we feel good. Dispute Negative Thinking Note the negativity landmines in your life. What places, people, times and activities really amp up the darkness? Avoid them.Sometimes we’re just in a bad mood and can’t shake it. The key here is remembering you don’t need to just accept those thoughts as true. There’s an appeals court. Dispute those negative thoughts. Stress test them with logic and evidence. Are they really true? Really inevitable? Really that bad?This is the basis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the gold standard for addressing mood disorders. And it’s especially beneficial because you’re not suppressing the thoughts or denying them (which rarely works for long), you’re dissolving them with the acid of truth.
Nature It’s obvious that what we look at and where we put our attention affects us. But we rarely act on that information. So get outside. Change the scenery to something natural and relaxed. The average American spends 93% of their time indoors. There’s a reason your soul feels like a tight muscle. Go outdoors. If you want to feel more positive think a little less about the outcome and a little more about the process. Spend more time doing things you’re good at. This has been shown to be one of the best happiness boosters out there.Don’t know what you’re really good at? Thinking about it a bit can help, but a more effective way to get an answer is to ask your friends.
Meditation/self hypnosisMeditation and self hypnosis increase positivity. And the benefits extend to when you’re not meditating because it teaches you to take your more annoying thoughts less seriously and to let them go. For some, it’s hard at first. But keep at it. The positive effects increase with practice. Gratitude Listing three good things that happened every day can really help. But the more important part is building the habit of noticing the positive in your life. That’s where the real magic happens. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook and where to put your attention. Practicing gratitude will teach you to notice the good. Click here to check out this helpful website.
Savor Positivity Savor those good moments. Really drink in the good. Savoring is the emotional equivalent of using a highlighter pen on your day.When something good happens, just feel it. Don’t think. Just let the warmth flow over you. Savoring is all about the present. Visualize The FutureYour past self is often the cringiest person you know. And sometimes the future feels less like a promise and more like a threat.So look to the days ahead and visualize the best. Imagine yourself ten years from now, after everything has gone as well as it possibly could. You have worked hard and succeeded at accomplishing all of the life goals you set for yourself. Visualize where and how you’d be if all your current dreams came true.Do this every day for a week. Write down what you see. Now look at those dreams and find what they have in common. Is there a purpose, a goal, a life mission? How can you start pursuing it today to reach that dream?There is no excuse for not doing this. You get to fantasize about an awesome future. What’s more pleasurable than that? It’s Netflix for people on a budget.
A Personalized Hypnosis Session can put achieving your goals on steroids. Small investment that can make life better now and in the future. Contact me directly for info.
Wherever you are, whomever you’re with…make it better Barry barryeisen.com 818-769-4300 Int’l 001-818-769-4300 11684 Ventura Blvd. #747Studio City, CA 91604 barryeisen@gmail.com |